Grammar for ELF files Program Header Offset - offset into this file Section Header Offset - offset into this file E Header Size This member holds the size in bytes of one entry in the file’s program header table; all entries are the same size. This member holds the number of entries in the program header table. Thus the pro- duct of e_phentsize and e_phnum gives the table’s size in bytes. If a file has no pro- gram header table, e_phnum holds the value zero. This member holds a section header’s size in bytes. A section header is one entry in the section header table; all entries are the same size. This member holds the number of entries in the section header table. Thus the product of e_shentsize and e_shnum gives the section header table’s size in bytes. If a file has no section header table, e_shnum holds the value zero. This member holds the section header table index of the entry associated with the sec- tion name string table. If the file has no section name string table, this member holds the value SHN_UNDEF. See ‘‘Sections’’ and ‘‘String Table’’ below for more information. This member specifies the name of the section. Its value is an index into the section header string table section [see ‘‘String Table’’ below], giving the location of a null- terminated string.