
Hex Editor

Synalyze It! allows editing of files of any size without delay. Even copying of data of any size via clipboard is possible.

When you insert a string from the clipboard, the selected encoding is applied, of course. This enables you to convert text from one encoding to another easily.

Some features are only available in the Pro version.

Checksum calculation (only Pro version)

Compute various checksums for the selected bytes.

screenshot of checksums panel

Binary File Comparison (only Pro version)

Compare binary files byte-by-byte or with an intelligent comparison algorithm

screenshot of diff window

GraphViz export (only Pro version)

Visualize your grammars by exporting to .dot (GraphViz) files

screenshot of GraphViz export function

Data View (only Pro version)

Display the selection in different number and color representations

screenshot of data panel


Print the hex view with or without text and mapped structures

screenshot of print preview

Save selection

Selected bytes can be written to disk directly

screenshot of selection save function

Go to position

Directly jump to a specific file offset (decimal or hex)

screenshot of go to position field

Go to position in Toolbar (only Pro version)

Jump to positions entering expressions

screenshot of go to position feature


Let Synalyze It! count the occurence of each byte in a file

screenshot of histogram panel

Compare code pages

Check the text encoding (ASCII/EBCDIC) of some hex values

screenshot of codepage comparison

Incremental text search with encoding selection

Search text incrementally using one of dozens of code pages

screenshot of text search

Find numbers 8-64 Bit, signed/unsigned, little/big endian

Find a number in a file instantly and jump directly to the findings

screenshot of number search

Find byte sequence matching a mask

Find all places in a file that match a certain bit mask

screenshot of mask search

See all strings with a certain encoding

Find all strings in a file like with the Unix strings command

screenshot of strings feature

Extend grammars with scripts (only Pro version)

Write Python or Lua scripts where the "static" grammar is not enough

screenshot of scripting dialog

Use powerful expressions in the grammar

Structure and element sizes as well as repeat counts can contain complex formulas

expression of length field
expression of repeat-max field